Rainwater tanks 'full of lead and aluminium' say Australian Scientists

So what are your children drinking at school?

A recent joint venture between Melbourne Monash University and CSIRO research has found the use of lead in roofs to join surfaces and channel away water elevated the risks of rainwater tanks being contaminated with lead and other heavy metals, pushing the lead content in some storage systems as high as 50 times Australia's drinking water guidelines. (http://www.csiro.au/resources/CommonRainwaterContaminants.html )

Across a broader range of roof types and tanks, one-third of those surveyed contained lead concentrations in the water exceeding safe drinking levels by up to 35 times.

"Concentrations of Aluminium, Cadmium, Iron and Zinc were also found at levels exceeding acceptable health and aesthetic levels," the study reports.

In South Australia, almost half of households use some water from tanks, and more than a fifth use them as their main source of drinking water.
Study co-author Grace Mitchell said some people also simply preferred the taste of rainwater, or considered it more natural. "It is more natural in the sense that it's not treated but in some cases that's not a good thing," she said.

With this recent study in mind, Konia Water congratulates the Australian Federal Government for the recent economic stimulus programs designed at improving ageing infrastructure within Australian Schools. This is a welcomed development and we understand that schools Australia-wide will be reviewing existing infrastructure demands including providing improved drinking water solutions for both staff and children in sports gymnasiums, cafeteria’s, staff rooms and so on. (http://www.cmd.act.gov.au/stimulus )

Water filtration systems are essential to ensure the water being consumed by tomorrow’s future is as pure as possible.

The announcement by the Federal Government is a tremendous opportunity for our schools to upgrade existing drinking water solutions using Queensland’s own Konia Water, a world leader in pure water technology. Register your interest to receive a tailored solution to your school’s needs at http://www.konia.com.au/

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