Moving away from bottled water!

Bottled water is BIG business. Recent research in the U.S suggests that by 2011, the market is
forecast to have a volume of 174,286.6 million litres, an increase of 51% since 2006. According to CHOICE com au In Australia alone we, down more than 150 million litres a year at a cost of $123million. ( )

Despite the creative marketing initiatives underpinning the bevy of bottled‐water varieties on offer (artesian, artesian‐well, ground, mineral, purified, sparkling and spring), the fact remains that approximately 25% of bottled water is sourced from Mains Water.
The U.S Food and Drug Administation (FDA) reports that "about 75 percent of bottled water sold in the U.S. comes from natural underground sources, which include rivers, lakes, springs and artesian wells." The other 25% comes from municipal sources, which are the “sources” of two leading brands of bottled water‐‐Dasani (Coca‐Cola) and Aquafina (PepsiCo).The FDA was quoting as saying, "Companies that market bottled water as being safer than tap water are defrauding the American public." ( )

It also takes water to make a bottle, particularly if a Reverse Osmosis system is used to purify the water. If a container holds 1 litre it requires approximately 3 litres of water in its manufacturing. By one estimate the total amount of water used to produce and deliver one litre bottle of imported water may be as high as 6.74 litres.
Furthermore, Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute estimates that producing the bottles for American consumption in 2006 required the equivalent of more than 17 million barrels (2,700,000 m3) of oil. Overall, the average energy cost to make the plastic, fill the bottle, transport it to market and then deal with the waste would be "like filling up a quarter of every bottle with oil."

Organisations such as The Natural Resources Defence Council, Sierra Club and World Wildlife Fund have all urged their supporters to consume less bottled water, and various campaigns against bottled water are increasingly common.
Similarly, Konia remains a passionate advocate for the reduction of consumer reliance on both
Mains Water and PET bottles. Konia WATER from AIR technology is an energy efficient, environmentally friendly solution that can provide you with pure drinking water drawn from the surrounding natural environment ( ).

Like their Water from Air cousins, Konia Mains connected systems do not produce any by-products and use the same patented technology that filters water capable of filtering out most chemicals and bacteria down to one hundredth of one millionth of one meter (0.01 micron).
Konia Water. It’s greener, it’s healthier and most importantly of all, it’s cost efficient. Now that’s
pure water innovation. ( )

1 comment:

  1. When the US and UK began replacing their public lead water pipes because of health concerns, they only replaced them to the edge of private properties. The lead released into the water from where the old pipes meet the new is more than it was before the replacements. Yay for solving the lead problem! I wonder what else we dont know about?
